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Topic: Heavenly Interest in Human Events, Matches 33 quotes.



Coming Of Pilgrims

Two hundred years after the landing of Columbus another landing occurred which had been just as definitely declared by the prophets of God. When the Pilgrim Fathers anchored their ships off Plymouth Rock, another prophecy had been fulfilled and the history of the American nation had been commenced. Both of these events had been declared, according to the dates I have been able to discover, two thousand years before their final accomplishment.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1933

Topics: America, History; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



Independence Declared

For more than a century the colonists who had come from the Old World continued to live under the governments of the countries from which they came. At the end of that time, and this too in fulfilment of the decrees of the prophets, they declared that they of right were and should be an independent people.

The Declaration of Independence was published to the world, the War of Independence was fought and won, and our ship of state was launched on a troubled sea. The hour had struck that kingcraft and priestcraft, which for ages had held the struggling masses of the world in thralldom, under perverted control both in civil and religious life, were to be stricken and the people of the world were to be emancipated from the shackles with which they had been bound.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1933

Topics: America, History; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



God Will Not Be Mocked

We are living in a period of time when upheavals in the world are daily, almost momentary. Marvelous things are occurring. The map of the world is changing. The order of government is being modified. In our own nation we are almost helpless before the problems that confront us, notwithstanding we are probably the wealthiest and most powerful nation in all the world. What is our difficulty, brethren and sisters? It is that men refuse to hear what the Lord has said. They refuse to pay attention to his wise counsel. They absolutely neglect to give credence to the things that he teaches us, and he will not be mocked. He gives us the advice and the counsel that we need, but he will not compel us. But if we refuse we lose our opportunity, and it passes away from us, in many cases to return again no more forever.

Source: Elder George Albert Smith
General Conference, April 1933

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events



Founder of the Government

Just as our Father in heaven, through Christ his Son, is the founder of the Church, so is he the founder of the government by which we are—or should be if we are not—controlled in civil affairs. He it was who brought the Pilgrim fathers and those who followed after to the shores of New England. He has said that he established the Constitution of our country by the hands of wise men whom he raised up for that very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.

Both the Church and the government have experienced periods of deep affliction since their establishment. Both have been assailed by enemies from without and foes within which have threatened disruption. Each in time of trial has found strong hearts and arms to sustain it.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, April 1933

Topics: America, History; Heavenly Interest in Human Events



Deliverance Will Come

You need not call our attention to our unfortunate condition, you are saying to yourselves, we are all too well aware of that. Tell us how to extricate ourselves from it. If I had the wisdom to do that I would be the happiest man in the world. That we will survive and emerge from it a wiser, happier and better people I am confident, whatever our suffering may be before we win the victory. It will not come through the Sovietism of Russia, the Socialism of France, the Fascists of Italy, nor the Nazis of Hitler. It will not come by the brewing and disposition of more beer or the manufacture and drinking of more wine. It will not come from the manufacture and distribution of more cigarets for our boys and girls to smoke. It will come to our country, if it is to come at all, through the united effort of the American people, whose soul I believe will turn to the Lord.

Deliverance will not come by a miracle from heaven, but I believe the Lord will endow us with wisdom and with his help we will work out our deliverance. If the Lord for the sake of ten righteous men would spare Sodom and Gomorrah, will he not spare this government, which he declares he has established, for the sake of the many thousands of honest souls which make up its citizenship?

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, April 1933

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events



Now, all these circumstances are hopeful. There is still faith in this great people that God has raised up upon this land to direct in the civil affairs of men. I think sometimes when I read those great words in the Declaration of Independence, that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that truly and really the law of the Lord is going forth from Zion as the word of the Lord—even the word of him that is the Word that was in the beginning with God, and that was God, and that was made flesh and dwelt among men, where men could behold his grace and his power, the Lord Jesus Christ—went forth from Jerusalem.

My brethren and sisters, I think we have reason to hope for our nation. I believe the testimony of President Ivins to be true, that we have a God-established government here, and also under its protecting aegis we have the Church of Jesus Christ established in the fulness of time, for the last time, to bring to pass the purposes of God in the salvation of men.

I see a beautiful unity in these things found in the Book of Mormon and the testimonies to which we have listened during this conference. I think we have the right to lift up the drooping hand, and to speak the word of encouragement to the people of the United States, and chiefly for this reason, that neither the government of the United States, in its achievements and in its character of great leadership, nor the Church, has yet reached the climax of those things for which they were established. So my faith is that we have a right to expect recovery and renewal of faith with God, and fellowship with him; for we still bow the knee and still proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, the God of this land and of all the earth. And as long as that is our national attitude, I believe that the light of hope is not obliterated.

Source: Elder Brigham H. Roberts
General Conference, April 1933

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events



God, The Author Of It

Where much is given much is expected. This land, to God our Father, is a chosen land, dedicated as I have said to the principle of liberty and freedom, not license.

Our fathers, under His inspiration, gave us the constitution of our country, the bill of rights which defines our privileges and places limitations beyond which we may not go. Liberty, when carried to the extreme, results in license. I want to impress upon this congregation, my brethren and sisters who are here, that the Lord our God has been the author of it all. It was he who led you from your native lands. You people from the green fields and lanes of England, you did not leave your homes because you did not love your native land. You had fought for it, defended it, and were ready to fight for it again. You people from Scotland, you people from Ireland and Wales, from Germany and the islands of the sea, oh if I only had the time to go back and tell you I could show you that the whole story of your lives had been written by the finger of God.

So we are here; here, thank the Lord, citizens of the best government in the world. We are here, members of the Church of Christ our Lord which has been restored through the medium of heavenly messengers who had authority to give to men upon earth, the keys of the holy priesthood. What for? For the redemption of the human family. Whether men believe it or not these things are true, and ultimately they will believe it, and there is no power either in earth or hell that can stay the progress of the Church, unless its people prove recreant to the covenants that they have entered into with our Father who is in heaven. Just so, there is no power that can wreck the government that God has established in this country unless it be the people themselves, and that I do not expect nor believe can occur.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events



Our government was founded by inspiration, and the constitution of the United States was written as an expression of the freedom of the ages; a freedom that had been worked out and bled for by a people who looked always to God.

Source: Elder Levi Edgar Young
General Conference, April 1930

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events; US Constitution, Inspired



A Blessing For Government Officials

I pray God to bless his Saints all over the wide world, and I bless them by the authority of the priesthood which I hold. I pray for our country and ask the Lord to bless those who preside in the nation, in the states, in the cities and in the counties. I pray God to inspire the people that they will obey his commands, and elect good men to office; that they will bury their political differences and seek for good men to hold office, and not men who connive with those who are breaking the laws of our country. It is one of the articles of our faith to obey and uphold the laws of the land. May God help us to do it. . . . [A]nd I do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Source: President Heber J. Grant
General Conference, April 1928

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events; Politics

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